Sunday 10 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in my life. Craig and I are wishing you the most wonderful of days. I will get the opportunity to spend the afternoon with two of my favorite people in the whole wide world and the man sexy enough to share this journey with me.

This morning we went for our usual Sunday breakfast, and this afternoon we are seeing the new Avengers movie (yay!!!) which I am so excited to see. Love those movies. Will maybe do some gardening this afternoon and will take it easy after working 47 hours this past week.

I have been a mom for 18 years. Wow! Can't believe it! I think I have said it before, being a mom is not the hardest job I have ever done, but it is certainly that I have worked at being my best at. My sons make me proud every day with their kindness, caring personalities, the fact that they accept me and love me for who I am, my flaws and all. They have grown up to be exactly who I had always hoped they would and I couldn't be more proud of myself or them.

While it is Mother's Day, I must give big kudos to Craig for doing everything in his power to help me be the best mom I can. Thank you Craig. I wouldn't be a great mom without you.

Usually I am too self-deprecating (I am told), but the one thing I am sure of in life is that I am a kick-ass mom!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Also wishing a beautiful daughter-in-law a Happy Mother's Day - and yes you are a kick(bumb):) MOM!! Love you so much and glad to hear you had a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Beautiful flowers! You definitely are a kick ass mom.

Banff was a beautiful place to spend Mother's Day. Actually any day is a good day to spend there. We stayed at a lovely hotel right down town and ate at two fabulous restaurants. The alligator appetizer wasn't as tender as some I've eaten but the rest of the meal was to die for. We love trying out one of a kind places and neither of them disappointed.

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day.

Love to all