Thursday 23 October 2014

A Cinderella Story

Yesterday Craig and I were both fortunate enough to be able to work our schedules around being able to watch the most amazing game of soccer we have seen in Kaedo's 11 years of playing.

Kaedo joined his school soccer team this Fall, and played and practiced like he was going to the World Cup. Unfortunately at the end of the season, his team had the worst record with 0 wins, 3 ties and 3 losses. They made it into the playoffs in the last spot. Everyone thought they were an easy beat and you know what happens when people think that way. We watched them beat the first, second and third placed teams to go on and take the GOLD in the LOSSA finals.

They worked hard and played hard and only got better as the competition grew.

Craig and were extremely impressed with the coaching and manner in which the boys were treated and respected given their various talents as league, all-star and rep players outside of the school milieu. I saw almost all the games this season, based strictly on the luck of my work schedule and their game schedule and I can say I have never been so impressed with the coaching.

While we have many other pictures, my stance has always been not to post pics of other kids, so you will have to make due with this gorgeous one of a gold medal defender. We are so proud of Kaedo's perseverance after having had knee surgery this year and fracturing his neck just one year ago. His love of the game shines through and his willingness to get into the play even though he is nervous is inspiring.

If you have never seen high school soccer before I would highly recommend attending a game. Why? Because the worst aspect of any team sport is missing. Parents coaching from the sidelines.

So CONGRATULATIONS to the LOSSA Gold Medal Champions, and to Kaedo for giving it his all.

On a side note - my god, he is gorgeous!


Unknown said...

We are thrilled for you Kaedo, your team deserved to win as they played with all their hearts and souls. The games we saw were the best ones that we can remember and the improvement from the first to second game was outstanding. We so wanted to see the last game but we are truly happy with the outcome.

Your coaches are one in a million as they were calm and respectful to all your team members. Nothing worse than watching grown men yelling at young people who are trying to do their best, and we definitely saw that.

You look wonderful with that gold medal, and you deserve to have it.

Love you sweetie.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

CONGRATULATIONS KAEDEN!! The gold does look good on you! Sounds like you put your heart and soul into your soccer games and you deserve that gold medal. All the best in whatever you take on next. Love you so much!


KPJC said...

Great job buddy. I always love the under-dog story. Coming from a coach's perspective you must have a good one to get you playing your best at the right time. Keep playing - you can be a inspiration to your little cousin Caleb. Soccer is the only sport that he remotely shows an interest in right now. Congrats.