Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Week 22

Week 22? My oh my. And they only get cuter. Kaedo is wearing a toque today. Probably only the second or third time this winter. We have had such great weather. I've been loving it. We had some snow yesterday but not much. The kids wore their runners to school today. Not too much going on here. The boys are back into the swing of school, Craig and I back into the swing of work and now we are anxiously awaiting our next holiday to Alberta in July. We plan to be there to celebrate Avery's 1st birthday. Looking so forward to that. The boys will then spend a couple of weeks being spoiled rotten by their grandparents then they will come home and spend the rest of the summer hanging out here. I know it is still a ways away but those who know me know I am a planner.
Look for a guest post coming up later this week from the oh so hilarious Jessica. You will laugh your head off.
Have a great Tuesday.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

I think the animals with the large horns are Watusi. Not positive but I do remember seeing them. The fireworks look awesome, they sure know how to do it. You boys are growing on a daily basis. You'll be taller than me by the time you get here. You still have a way to go before you're as tall as your Baba.

Now that the flights are booked it makes your coming here even more real. We can't wait.

Love to all