Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Vent - beware!

The end of football is near. Sunday is the last game and we will be able to take the blankets out of the van, shut off our Sunday morning alarms and relax. Even with missing the summer, it has been a long season. For all of us. Sterling is ready to be done, I think.

There have been a lot of politics throughout the season, which in my opinion (with EVERY sport, EVERY age) absolutely ruins the game. Sterling did not get the best start, having missed so many practices through the summer, and in hindsight, we wouldn't do something like that again. We weren't thinking of the big picture when registering him, and the league was so desperate for players, they were willing to take him and our money under any conditions. Unfortunately, I think he has suffered because of this with lack of playing time and therefore a lack of knowledge. His coach is an ass on many levels, and while I applaud those that give up many hours to coach, it is never in any one's best interest to get involved because you "didn't like how the other guy was doing it".

I am a strong believer in nepotism. I believe that we should give our loved ones the first shot, when possible - IF they can do the job! What I don't believe in is throwing in a kid who is not meant to be a quarterback, into the game, where he a) doesn't know what he is doing and b) thinks that he does, and ends up with the trainer on the field 6x a game because he has been sacked due to his inability to give up the ball. He is the coach's son. "My son must be quarterback!"A word to the wise - PUT IN THE OTHER KID! Interestingly enough, he went out on an injury on Sunday, our last regular season game, and the team turned around and scored 20 points making this our best showing of the whole season. hmmmm

Do I sound like a bitter old crone? That is not my intention. Sterling has every intention on playing again in the Spring and has loved it, but I have really had my eyes opened to bullshit that happens in sports. Everyone who knows me, knows I am no sports fanatic. I get my daily exercise bringing a coke bottle up to my lips. I do, however, know when things are not being done in the best interest of a group of kids who just want to learn and play. I also know that I will stand on the sidelines freezing my ass off, drive to a football field an hour away at 7:30am on a Sunday and do it with a smile - just so that my kid gets the opportunity to participate. I will keep going until they don't want to any more. I will keep cheering, even when I can't feel my lips and I will do it all willingly in the hope that they learn something and have fun. Whatever fights the coaches and league have, is not of any interest to me. Nor should it be a cloud that settles over a team of 7-10 year olds.

We had one child quit from bullying, and another quit, I think, because his parents were concerned about everything being "about him" He was very good and became the GO TO guy for every play. His parents did not want the pressure on him and were concerned about injuries. I don't blame them. At 10, who needs that.

So, for the very few of you that read this and are thinking of getting involved in your kid's activities - think hard before you do. Be sure of why you are doing it. We NEED good coaches. Desperately. What we don't need is the politics of the organization to be brought down to the kids, or coaches who believe that their child is the next Eli Manning - to the detriment of all the others. Sure, your kid might be a superstar - but there is no I in team.

One last thing - I don't care that my coach was a part of the CFL. He could have been a towel boy. Apparently he was in "Player Relations". Whatever the hell that means.


Denis & Irene said...

Hope you feel better now, that was quite a tirade...and I agree with you. It doesn't just happen in sports however, it happens in many areas of life.

KPJC said...

Wow ---- not too sure what to say in response! As a parent, teacher and coach (hopefully a good one according to the above defintion) all I can say is FUN - that is what it is all about. I was never going to be the next superstar when I was young yet I still love sports. Simply . . . that is what I hope for Jacob, my nephews and any child/athlete I coach. Stay strong Shannon.