Friday, 14 November 2008

Happy Birthday Sterling!

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As of 7:31pm Alberta time my boy (should I say our boy?) is 11.

Where has the time gone?

In 11 years:
He has moved 3 times
He has had at least 3 pet fish and one dog
He has been to two schools
He has played soccer, sportball, football, basketball, bowling and floor hockey
Taken skating lessons, craft classes, snowboarding and swimming lessons
He has learned another language and is working on his third
He has been fortunate enough to have a brother and three cousins come into this world to revere him
He has made tons of friends, traveled all over the country, and spent lots of time with all the extended family who loves him
He has learned to master a two-wheeler - no hands, jumps, jeep trails and the works

to name just a few things..

Who he has become in the last 11 years:
He has become a kind, caring, courageous, beautiful, thoughtful boy. He has become a bugger, a tester, a hugger and brat. He has a mind of his own and isn't afraid to use it. He is honest and emotional and loving. He is creative and thought-provoking and astounds me with the ideas he has and the understanding he has of the world around him.

His life hasn't always been easy - whose has? But, he moves forward with purpose and determination, not getting caught up in the small things.

He is simply amazing.

So today, I wish my first born, a Happy Birthday. November 14, 1997 was the first day of his life and really, the first day of mine.

Here is a picture of his birthday invitation I made. I folded them up like cootie catchers so it would be fun for the kids to open.

His birthday will be spent celebrating with us, school, a special lunch, bowling with the family, cake and some shopping.

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

And a special shout out birthday to our dear friend A who is turning 12 today! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Sterling, you look amazing no matter what the year is. We hope you have a very happy day. We are so glad we we're the first ones to phone you today at 6.10 our time. Needless to say, you didn't disappoint with your "mad woman" phrase. We love you so very much and can't believe 11 years have gone by since we first laid eyes on you. You have accomplished so much in such a short time.