Monday, 10 November 2008

canada's next top model?

Yes. Yes, I think so.
Just lovin' on this guy. He is so cool. He has the best personality and a smile that knocks your socks off. Went for a walk last night as a family, and we walked together behind Craig and Sterling, and he just made my heart melt the whole time.
He is really into learning all the words from his favorite songs right now, and so his stereo is always on when he is upstairs and the same songs can be heard over and over and over. Reminds me of me. I remember trying to learn the words to "La Isla Bonita" by Madonna when I couldn't have been too much older than him.
His favorites right now are anything by the Jonas Bros, Love Song by Sarah Bareilles and this other rap one that I have no idea who sings it. He sang to me last night throughout our walk and I just revelled in his beautiful voice, wonderful smile and contagious laugh.
Those are the moments memories are made of.


GrmpaGrmma said...

What a gorgeous face!! It just keeps getting cuter and cuter all the time. Big kiss on those dimples from grampa & gramma!!

So nice talking with you last night Craig - thanks again for the call. We're glad to be back home and in our own bed. Dad and I slept in yesterday till 8:20 and this morning till 9:30!! We are also getting to bed early - just in case we get a call in the middle of the night to head up to P.A. Last night we even packed some things in our suitcase and made a list of last minute things to take along.

We loved catching up on the blog again - we really missed it when we were away. Pictures on the blog are a real plus. Can't believe even from the summer how much boys have looked like they've grown. I know it can't be possible but that's how it seems.

Dad's heading off to a Bronco game this afternoon and I started to get buns ready to bake. I thought I'd take some over to mom once they're baked and have a visit with her.

Well, it's time to get some lunch on the go before dad goes to the game - hope you're all having a great day!!


Denis & Irene said...

Don't you ever take a bad photo, Kaed? Mom said that soccer was really great and that you are playing so well.