Saturday, 10 May 2014

Games Night

I am not a game person. Just ask my mom and dad. When they come to visit, the boys always want to play cards and I never join in. However, last night I was at a loss for something to do, and Sterling was too, so we decided to pull out some games. What fun we had. I taught him to play rummy, and he kindly let me kick his butt, we played Battleship, started Scrabble (until he couldn't figure out what his first word should be - haha), and Picktureka. In between I made pizza for supper and laughed as I haven't for quite some time.

He is such a good sport and fun to be with and always makes me smile. How can I have a 16 year old son? He is so damn amazing. Blows my mind.

Today I have some chores I want to get done that I haven't been up to doing, Craig has football and we'll have a movie night if the kids don't get a better offer. All is all it should be a very nice day.

Happy Saturday everyone!

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