Thursday, 27 November 2008

Follow your dreams, they know the way.
Let your own story come out.
Put something in the world that wasn't there before.
Dare to be your best.
Reach beyond your grasp, and surround yourself with people who believe you can.
Redefine the impossible and know that the best is yet to be.
Life is the grand adventure and any life worth living is worth recording.
I have no idea who wrote it, just that it's worth passing on.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

nice 70's hair, dudes!

Monday, 24 November 2008

party central

faces are blurred to protect the innocent

Yesterday we had Sterling's birthday party. Yes, I know, I said 10 was the last party. Guess not. Sterling, Kaeden , N and S got together to celebrate. We started the day with Madagascar 2, followed that up with a game of bowling and ended up with a late lunch at McDonald's. We were under the impression that S had never been to the movies, but were told yesterday that he had recently seen wall E. What we did learn was that he had never been bowling. He really enjoyed it. I think they all had fun. They seemed to.

Friday, 21 November 2008

kaeling's world

As a teenager I don't remember there being a movie or a series of books that captured the attention and passion of so many people. I started reading the Twilight series this summer after a woman at Costco told me they were the best books she had ever read. I was instantly hooked and in about 2 weeks I had read all four of the series (each with about 600-700 pages). I was hooked. I shared them with my friend, who then passed them on to her daughter and niece and then returned them to me. I then read them all over again. Each one. From start to finish.

Well, today the movie hit the theaters and we were there to see it. A sold out show, with I don't know how many 17 year old girls sighing over Edward's gorgeousness. It was great. While I have read reviews of the movie (and not all of them were flattering) I loved it.

It is such a love story. The kind of love you only feel when you are 17 and you have nothing else to feel so strongly about. That passion, that "can't live without" love that is all encompassing. I think what I loved most about the movie was the feeling in the theater. Here are a bunch of teenage girls, who chances are, have yet to fall in love, and all they are doing is hoping to meet someone like him. Albeit, he is a vampire, but you know what I mean. You could feel these girls falling in love with him. You could feel them wishing to be Bella. It really was cool.

For anyone who wants to spend two hours not thinking about laundry, what to feed the kids for supper, or listening to what your kids did in school today, this is the movie to see. A love story that makes you believe in true love.

I wonder if I can go see it again tomorrow?

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Baby Love

My baby is home sick with his Baby again today. Poor guy! While Kaedo looks a little worse for wear, Baby shows all of his 8 years - he is 56 after all (in dog years). Kaedo has a bit of a fever and is stuffed up and Baby has a stuffy nose, too. What would you expect, though? After all his nose has been removed and surgically re-attached numerous times. Poor guy (Baby, that is!)
The "guys" are just hanging out, watching TV, playing on the GameCube and snuggling with each other. Best Buds.

Monday, 17 November 2008

On the Road Again

And away they go - off to Florida and other parts unknown. Hoping to beat the snow and all crummy weather and continue to wear shorts and Birkenstocks for another 6 months. Mom and dad left on their latest adventure yesterday morning, and plan to take the next two weeks to get to Florida where they will spend the winter visiting the state. Bon Voyage!

Have a sick one home with me today. He just got up at 10am. He's having some breakfast right now then will probably return to bed or go lie downstairs. Poor kid. It's not too often that they get sick, but when they do they just need to be pampered a bit.

Read this quote from Michael J. Fox I thought was funny, so I thought I would pass it on to you:
On Marriage:
"Just remember this - if a man says something in the forest and his wife isn't there to hear him, he is still wrong".


Saturday, 15 November 2008

11 - the aftermath

Well, it's all said and done and Sterling had a wonderful day. He got a lot of nice gifts and spent his money on a new video game, a remote control helicopter and a book. He also got a raincheck for a new scooter and has put the rest of the money away for when it comes in. Here are just some pix and video.

Happy Saturday.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Happy Birthday Sterling!

click for larger view

As of 7:31pm Alberta time my boy (should I say our boy?) is 11.

Where has the time gone?

In 11 years:
He has moved 3 times
He has had at least 3 pet fish and one dog
He has been to two schools
He has played soccer, sportball, football, basketball, bowling and floor hockey
Taken skating lessons, craft classes, snowboarding and swimming lessons
He has learned another language and is working on his third
He has been fortunate enough to have a brother and three cousins come into this world to revere him
He has made tons of friends, traveled all over the country, and spent lots of time with all the extended family who loves him
He has learned to master a two-wheeler - no hands, jumps, jeep trails and the works

to name just a few things..

Who he has become in the last 11 years:
He has become a kind, caring, courageous, beautiful, thoughtful boy. He has become a bugger, a tester, a hugger and brat. He has a mind of his own and isn't afraid to use it. He is honest and emotional and loving. He is creative and thought-provoking and astounds me with the ideas he has and the understanding he has of the world around him.

His life hasn't always been easy - whose has? But, he moves forward with purpose and determination, not getting caught up in the small things.

He is simply amazing.

So today, I wish my first born, a Happy Birthday. November 14, 1997 was the first day of his life and really, the first day of mine.

Here is a picture of his birthday invitation I made. I folded them up like cootie catchers so it would be fun for the kids to open.

His birthday will be spent celebrating with us, school, a special lunch, bowling with the family, cake and some shopping.

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

And a special shout out birthday to our dear friend A who is turning 12 today! Happy Birthday!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

He's Here!

Welcome to our family, little one.

Caleb Dean was born this morning at 3:30am. He weighed in at a respectable 7lbs 90z. Petrica was amazing and only arrived at the hospital 75 minutes before the munchkin was born. We are so thrilled to be an Anti and Uncle again, and the boys were both very excited.

Interestingly enough, Jacob was born the day AFTER my birthday and Caleb was born the day BEFORE Sterling's.

I stole the picture off of Kelly's blog and he assures me that more will be coming tomorrow. I will be hijacking those as well.

Congratulations to Stan and Shirley, 4 time grandparents to boys!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Excuse Letters

"My son is under a doctor's care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him."

"Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick, and I had her shot."

"Dear School: Please ekscuse John being absent on Jan. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and also 33."

"Please excuse Gloria from Jim today. She is administrating."

"Please excuse Roland from P.E. for a few days. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hip."

"John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face."

"Carlos was absent yesterday because he was playing football. He was hurt in the growing part."

"Megan could not come to school today because she has been bothered by very close veins."

"Please excuse Tommy for being absent yesterday. He had diarrhea, and his boots leak."

"Irving was absent yesterday because he missed his bust."

"Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father's fault."

"Please excuse Jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the
porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday."

"Sally won't be in school a week from Friday. We have to attend her funeral."

"Please excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well."

"Please excuse Mary for being absent yesterday. She was in bed with gramps."

"Gloria was absent yesterday as she was having a gangover."

"Please excuse Burma, she has been sick and under the doctor."

Monday, 10 November 2008

canada's next top model?

Yes. Yes, I think so.
Just lovin' on this guy. He is so cool. He has the best personality and a smile that knocks your socks off. Went for a walk last night as a family, and we walked together behind Craig and Sterling, and he just made my heart melt the whole time.
He is really into learning all the words from his favorite songs right now, and so his stereo is always on when he is upstairs and the same songs can be heard over and over and over. Reminds me of me. I remember trying to learn the words to "La Isla Bonita" by Madonna when I couldn't have been too much older than him.
His favorites right now are anything by the Jonas Bros, Love Song by Sarah Bareilles and this other rap one that I have no idea who sings it. He sang to me last night throughout our walk and I just revelled in his beautiful voice, wonderful smile and contagious laugh.
Those are the moments memories are made of.

#12 ROCKS!

Well, the season is over and the Sunday morning alarm clock has been silenced for now. We went to North York to watch the final game, and while we lost, as usual, Sterling did awesome! He totally kicked it. He seemed to get paired up with one kid from the other team each time he was on the field and after he had blocked him very well twice - the other kid seemed to stay away from him. Cool.

Here are some pictures from the final game:

This last picture is of him at home yesterday afternoon. He was so bagged. I haven't seen him so tired in a long time. The team got a nice surprise after the game. They were each given one of these bunny-hugs. He was so thrilled! He wore it all afternoon and had it on for school this morning. He doesn't look quite this tired anymore.

A friend came over to play yesterday afternoon and they had lots of fun. It was nice. I got the opportunity to spend some time with a friend too, so it was good for all. It had been a while, so it was nice to get out.

Gearing up for a special day on Friday. Looking forward to it. Happy Monday, everyone.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Ketchup - hold the mustard

Even 5 years ago you wouldn't have been able to convince me that I would want a dog. Four years ago in December, I got one. Due to the incredible generosity of a very good friend, Ketchup came into our lives, via a Westjet Special Delivery. Hand delivered all the way from Alberta by Amma and Baba, Ketchup came to live with our family.

He has been such a wonderful dog. We love him so much. He is not my 3rd child, like pets are in some families, but he is very important to me. I love him to bits. He keeps me company during the day while I am here by myself, and is always in the centre of the action at night when the house is filled with noise. He just wants to be with us. He forgives us when we rush out the door in the morning without feeding. He forgives us when we leave him home all day by himself and he forgives us when we won't let him sleep on the bed. He is always ready for a walk, always ready to play and always ready to give comfort if needed. It is amazing how you come to depend on his greeting when you open the front door.

I no longer leave Animal Planet on for him when I'm not home (no TV on the main floor anymore), and he doesn't sleep in a crate anymore. He has full run of the house, even though he has never been able to/willing to jump up on to the couch. He knows he can depend on a treat from Kaedo every day - without having to sit, stay or come. He knows that he can always get a piece of pizza crust from Sterling. He knows that he can always count on Craig letting him up on the couch so he can watch a movie with us, and he can always count on me to say, "bye Ketchup, I love you", before I leave the house.

He has a good life - I think. He hasn't complained - so I will take that for a good sign.

Yesterday he went to get a haircut. Boy did he need it. He was such a fur ball. I love him furry, but I don't think he could see, so I thought it was time. We took him to our usual groomers yesterday morning, and as soon as we turned into the parking lot he started whimpering. Pitiful. The thing is, the groomers do such a good job and the facility is so nice, I know he is treated well. Maybe he just doesn't want to be left behind. So here are a before and after picture of the little fur ball:

Funny, although Ketchup stays in the living room most of the day while I work in my office, it was very quiet and quite lonely without him here yesterday. I'm glad I don't have to take him again for 3 more months.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Vent - beware!

The end of football is near. Sunday is the last game and we will be able to take the blankets out of the van, shut off our Sunday morning alarms and relax. Even with missing the summer, it has been a long season. For all of us. Sterling is ready to be done, I think.

There have been a lot of politics throughout the season, which in my opinion (with EVERY sport, EVERY age) absolutely ruins the game. Sterling did not get the best start, having missed so many practices through the summer, and in hindsight, we wouldn't do something like that again. We weren't thinking of the big picture when registering him, and the league was so desperate for players, they were willing to take him and our money under any conditions. Unfortunately, I think he has suffered because of this with lack of playing time and therefore a lack of knowledge. His coach is an ass on many levels, and while I applaud those that give up many hours to coach, it is never in any one's best interest to get involved because you "didn't like how the other guy was doing it".

I am a strong believer in nepotism. I believe that we should give our loved ones the first shot, when possible - IF they can do the job! What I don't believe in is throwing in a kid who is not meant to be a quarterback, into the game, where he a) doesn't know what he is doing and b) thinks that he does, and ends up with the trainer on the field 6x a game because he has been sacked due to his inability to give up the ball. He is the coach's son. "My son must be quarterback!"A word to the wise - PUT IN THE OTHER KID! Interestingly enough, he went out on an injury on Sunday, our last regular season game, and the team turned around and scored 20 points making this our best showing of the whole season. hmmmm

Do I sound like a bitter old crone? That is not my intention. Sterling has every intention on playing again in the Spring and has loved it, but I have really had my eyes opened to bullshit that happens in sports. Everyone who knows me, knows I am no sports fanatic. I get my daily exercise bringing a coke bottle up to my lips. I do, however, know when things are not being done in the best interest of a group of kids who just want to learn and play. I also know that I will stand on the sidelines freezing my ass off, drive to a football field an hour away at 7:30am on a Sunday and do it with a smile - just so that my kid gets the opportunity to participate. I will keep going until they don't want to any more. I will keep cheering, even when I can't feel my lips and I will do it all willingly in the hope that they learn something and have fun. Whatever fights the coaches and league have, is not of any interest to me. Nor should it be a cloud that settles over a team of 7-10 year olds.

We had one child quit from bullying, and another quit, I think, because his parents were concerned about everything being "about him" He was very good and became the GO TO guy for every play. His parents did not want the pressure on him and were concerned about injuries. I don't blame them. At 10, who needs that.

So, for the very few of you that read this and are thinking of getting involved in your kid's activities - think hard before you do. Be sure of why you are doing it. We NEED good coaches. Desperately. What we don't need is the politics of the organization to be brought down to the kids, or coaches who believe that their child is the next Eli Manning - to the detriment of all the others. Sure, your kid might be a superstar - but there is no I in team.

One last thing - I don't care that my coach was a part of the CFL. He could have been a towel boy. Apparently he was in "Player Relations". Whatever the hell that means.