Big day here today. The boys went to the movies by themselves. Let me clarify - the boys went to the movies and I sat in the parking lot for 1hr43mins. Lame, I know, but that was the only way it was going to happen. Let me back up. One of the gifts that Kaedo got for his birthday was an 'Incredible Hulk' towel and a gift card to Cineplex. For those of you not in the know - this movie started right around Kaedo's birthday. What a great gift. I am so using that one.
Anyway - the boys have been begging to go to the movies by themselves so today I relented and Kaedo took Sterling as his guest. What a good boy. They went to see 'WALL E" which neither I nor Craig had any interest in seeing. They even got WALL E watches when they bought the tickets.
Being the mom I am, I did the following:
1. Grilled both boys on the use and procedures of the Epipen
2. Made them promise not to talk to anyone
3. Went with them to buy their tickets and popcorn (thank you Kaedo), and explained to the staff what I was doing
4. Took them right to their seats and got them settled, reassuring them and myself that I would be in the parking lot
5. Kissed them both numerous times
6. Went to sit in the van for 1hr43mins
7. Part way through the movie needed to go to the washroom
8. Went back into the theater, explained the situation AGAIN, and was granted access
9. Went to the bathroom and realized after the fact that there was no toilet paper
10. Quickly snuck into another stall for said toilet paper
11. Returned to the van and waited in the blazing hot sun, panting like a dog waiting for the damn movie to be over.
Craig - next time you can do it!
At least this time you did not clobber some poor lady in the head when you went into the stall to get toilet paper!!!! What a good mother you are to sacrifice the time - and how strong to know that they were in there by themselves - koodos to you.
The first movie by themselves is almost as bad as the first time they want to go to a public washroom by themselves. All moms go through that, I'm sure. They enjoyed, they're responsible, they're safe...what more could you ask for. I never thought of the epipen issue, however. That would make it more stressful for you. Even I didn't sit in the parking lot for your first movie, however, we didn't live that far away from the theatre.
What do you boys want for lunch on Friday? Let us know.
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