Monday 23 December 2013

What a Day!

After 23 hours of no power, a flight from Calgary delayed for 3 hours, a freezing rain storm, and no salt to pour all over the ice, we finally got our special visitors, our ice salt, our power back at 10pm, and the end of a terrible storm.

In the 10 years we have lived  here, we have never seen an ice storm like this. On our travels yesterday we saw such a lot of damage - many branches that had been ripped off trees and were lying in yards, and on the side of the roads. Many trees have been toppled, taking down fences and in one case, landing on a car. I love trees and have grown such an affection for them since moving to Ontario. Coming from a province where trees are in scarce supply, I have found that my favorite things about Ontario are the trees, the water and the mild temperatures. It was very sad to see so much destruction. Thankfully I did not hear of any fatalities, which made my heart happy. While you never want to hear of such tragedy, so close to the holidays is absolutely unthinkable to me.

Jessica, E and A arrived last night after a three hour delay, waits on the tarmac, and de-icing of the plane like crazy. It was a long day waiting for them to arrive. Along with a COLD day with no heat, and only Costco to go to for lunch. Which of course, was no hardship.

Craig and I stayed home while everyone left for the airport, and set up the Christmas tree in the dark. We lit about a dozen candles, and made a meal in the dark, so that when everyone arrived, they would have some nourishment.

What a joy to have everyone here! We feasted on grapes, strawberries, bread, butter, cheese, crackers and Craig fired up the BBQ and re-heated some stuffed-baked potatoes. We also got to sample some profiteroles and chocolate torte for dessert along with some wine, water and chocolate milk.

It was a magical evening and the holiday has truly begun. Today we will have our tree decorating party and tomorrow my new kitchen island is being built. Woot Woot! Gotta love Christmas!

Off to get a pedicure with my two besties!

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Was soooo glad to hear everyone was under one roof safe and sound! BIG HUGS to everyone! Have a wonderful time together.