Saturday, 12 July 2008

Kronicles of Kaeden

Yes I know, Chronicles is spelt with a 'C', but it wouldn't have made a very good alliteration. Kaeden has had the opportunity to use our old camera to take pictures from his trip. He wanted me to post the pictures from his journey so far. He's quite a good little photographer as many of the pictures were taken from a moving car through his window.
I think this is somewhere over Saskatchewan, hi Gramma and Grampa.
Are you happy to see me, extreme close up.
Oil's well in Alberta.
Saw some cows in the field and just after saw a bull. Kaeden said, 'The bull's walking over to the cows. I think he's going over there to buck them." At least I think he said 'buck'. :)
Sterling, everything come out alright? One of many pee breaks and surprisingly not Gramma.

Hay barrels as Kaeden calls them.

Back end of a train, though I'm sure you could tell.

Emma enjoyed her brief visit, 'cept for maybe the bump on the noggin (not the boys fault, once again surprisingly).

Vogue, strike a pose. Irene will probably kill me for posting this... might be worth dying for :)

Kaeden calls this pic, 'Old Lady Fashion'

That's all for now. Hi Mom!

Craig and Kaeden

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Down to the wire - almost

This morning our very good friends, the Backyardigans took us out for breakfast. It was very nice. We are so blessed. After that the four of them came to the house on jumped in the trampoline for a while. That is until Sterling had a "trampoline accident", and fell out the door. Why it wasn't closed, I have no idea. That's what happens when their father supervises them.
I was at the office all day doing some final meetings before I leave next week. Craig graciously worked from home for me.
His work was a bit interrupted when he was invited to a Magic Show at the Backyardigans. Apparently it was pretty good. There were a lot of people invited.
I got home at 4:10, and I'm just going to feed the boys - who knows what? Crackers, anyone. Oh ya, I don't have any.
Football tonight then just hanging out. Tomorrow laundry will get done and I will start going through my list and getting everything packed. Tomorrow night we can watch movie and then it will be all over except the crying. Which I will not do until they get on the plane!


Monday, 7 July 2008


feeling better. Spent much of the weekend in bed, but am up, showered and working today. Sam is here and the boys are outside playing soccer, jumping on the trampoline, scootering, and having fun. What is so great about Sam is that the three of them get along so well. No bickering. I love that. Not too much going on for the rest of the day. The boys will probably just hang out and love summer. They have had a lot of freedom and it has been great for them. HARD for us, but great for them.
I am so anxious about them going away. Not anxious TO HAVE them go away, but anxious for the adventures they are going to have. They are so excited, and I am for them, upset stomach and all. The funny part is that they have no interest in hanging out with us, unless it is to watch a movie. They just want to be able to hang with their friends and each other. The bliss of being a kid.
Just to let you know, the blog will be scarce through the summer as I won't have anything to write about. Check in periodically if you wish, but I'll be pulling a "kelly". Last post for a while will probably be Friday.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Thursday, 3 July 2008


Some great new photos of Sterling at football. He is loving it. The only problem we have found so far is that we realize that he drinks virtually nothing. Maybe 3-4 glasses of anything in total all day. We are working hard to hydrate him as he is suffering from cramps during and after practice. It is an uphill battle but we are not giving up!

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

it had to happen - sooner or later

Big day here today. The boys went to the movies by themselves. Let me clarify - the boys went to the movies and I sat in the parking lot for 1hr43mins. Lame, I know, but that was the only way it was going to happen. Let me back up. One of the gifts that Kaedo got for his birthday was an 'Incredible Hulk' towel and a gift card to Cineplex. For those of you not in the know - this movie started right around Kaedo's birthday. What a great gift. I am so using that one.
Anyway - the boys have been begging to go to the movies by themselves so today I relented and Kaedo took Sterling as his guest. What a good boy. They went to see 'WALL E" which neither I nor Craig had any interest in seeing. They even got WALL E watches when they bought the tickets.
Being the mom I am, I did the following:

1. Grilled both boys on the use and procedures of the Epipen

2. Made them promise not to talk to anyone

3. Went with them to buy their tickets and popcorn (thank you Kaedo), and explained to the staff what I was doing

4. Took them right to their seats and got them settled, reassuring them and myself that I would be in the parking lot

5. Kissed them both numerous times

6. Went to sit in the van for 1hr43mins

7. Part way through the movie needed to go to the washroom

8. Went back into the theater, explained the situation AGAIN, and was granted access

9. Went to the bathroom and realized after the fact that there was no toilet paper

10. Quickly snuck into another stall for said toilet paper

11. Returned to the van and waited in the blazing hot sun, panting like a dog waiting for the damn movie to be over.

Craig - next time you can do it!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008


That's what time I got up this morning. At 2:17am Kaedo came into our room very upset because he had had a bad dream. What's a mother to do? Over I moved, giving him the space I had so comfortably slept in for the last 3 hours, relegating myself to the middle of the bed. My least favorite place. Too squishy. At 4:11, I finally got up and said to hell with it. I grabbed my Ipood (yes, that's what I call it), Smooshie, and a bottle of water and headed downstairs. I laid on the couch for a while - until the f---ing birds started chirping. Damn birds. Why the hell are they so competitive? Early bird gets the worm. Whatever. Decided to head into the basement to sleep and lo and behold, I couldn't get back to that wonderful world of slumber. So here I am, blogging, waiting for Kaedo to get up so I can crawl back into my bed for a couple more hours of sleep. With my luck he'll sleep until 10.
picture from 2004 but I thought it was fitting for today.