Saturday, 20 June 2009

PARTY like it's 1999

I'm starting this tonight and will finish it off tomorrow with a final wrap up. So far it has been great. The kids all arrived around 4pm and donned their t-shirts. They promptly starting signing each other's shirts. They thought it was pretty cool. It has been raining all day and we weren't sure how everything was going to go but they decided about 5 minutes in that they wanted to jump on the trampoline. They all tore off their socks and headed out there in the rain. Two minutes later they were back in the house and Craig and I were looking at each other in horror. They quickly informed us that they were going to put on their swim trunks so their clothes didn't get all wet. Back out they trooped and within 30 seconds they were in the pool, shooting water guns at each other and jumping in the trampoline. They were having so much fun. An hour later they were soaked to the bone and freezing cold so in they trooped. A quick change and all the clothes in the dryer and they were playing video games, shooting hoops and laughing their heads off. I don't know how many times I heard, "this is the best party ever!" Something every parent wants to hear.

An hour later they were chowing down on chicken fingers, chicken wings, smiles, hot dogs in pastry and mini pizzas. We weren't sure how much food to make but ended up with only about 10 things left, so I guess I cooked the right amount. After they finished supper they were back downstairs having a blast. We called them back up for cake and presents and Kaedo loved every bit of it. He got some great gifts, money and a gift card and I think he is already plotting out what he might buy with his loot.

Once all that was done and everything had been cleaned up I sat down to read my book and listen to the chatter of seven 10 year olds. I had to laugh when I heard them comparing their "6 packs". They had all taken off their shirts and were seeing who was the "most buff". Kaedo I'm sure won the "Beanpole Award". I had to laugh.

So here I sit writing this while they play hide and seek through out the house. Two of the boys have just come in asking for their trunks so Craig is getting everything out of the dryer. My guess is they are on their way back into the pool. We'll see how long they last this time. Sure enough they all jumped into the pool and have been playing for the last 30 minutes.

more later...

It's 11:15pm, Craig is fast asleep on the couch, two of the boys have gone home and the other 5 are playing BUMP. They sound like they are having a great time and show no signs of slowing down (ugh). I'm going to give them another hour then get them settled watching a movie.

Craig is going mountain biking tomorrow morning and I'm going to make pancakes and waffles, if the kids want them.
more in the morning...
12:20am - Kaedo was the first to crash, A not too far behind him. Sterling, L and J are still watching a movie but the lights are off and everyone is quiet. I think it is safe to head to bed.

Sunday Morning...

Craig got up at 2am to turn off the TV and make sure all was well. The boys then got up at about 7:30am (agh). Pancakes and powdered donuts were for breakfast plus some jumping on the trampoline and still more laughs.

Kaedo pulled me aside this morning and said this was "the best party ever". I'm so happy. He has great friends and they have had a lot of fun. I don't what I need to do first - shovel out the mess in the house or have a nap.

Happy Father's Day to all all the dads in my life. Love you.


Denis & Irene said...

How awesome!!! We're so glad your party was the best ever, Kaedo. Was there any doubt?? You must have sent the rain west as it's pouring here today.

The photos are great, the boys look so grown up, we are just missing them so much. We'll get out to see them sometime this year, we need a "grandson fix".

Happy Father's Day to our wonderful sons.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

First of all - Happy Father's Day to you Craig - we love you very much!!

WHAT A BLAST!!! Kaeden looks like he's having a ball for his 10th birthday and the pictures you have on the blog are FANTASTIC!!! We have such gorgeous grandsons - I just want to show them off all the time.

It's 10:00 a.m. here and I'm betting all of you are having a rest about now - well deserved one at that. We were at the Millar Bible Golf Tournament yesterday from 9:45 a.m. till 8:45 p.m. - it was an absolutely perfect, perfect day and we had a wonderful time. I didn't golf of course, but had lots of fun just riding on the cart and cheering my team on. We were 5 over par and the winners were minus 11. Duane Regier was on the winning team and they each got a Tim Horton's coffee maker!! We all went out for ice cream after and didn't get home till around 10:00 p.m. We had company come on Friday night and were here last night as well. They left around 9:00 a.m. this morning - in time for Stan to change sheets on the bed downstairs for our company coming this afternoon sometime. Dennis & Elaine are arriving around mid afternoon and we're not sure how long they are staying but we'll have lots of fun together.

This morning we woke up to rain drizzling and alot cooler but we have nothing planned so it's nice to get even a little bit of rain.

I went to the doctor on Friday morning and he didn't send me for x-rays like I thought he would but he said 2 weeks isn't enough time for the bone to start healing. I'm to go for x-rays on the 26th and he'll let me know if it's not healing the right way. This week, I'm to start standing on both feet for 5 minutes at a stretch a few times a day. He says it's to get the circulation going in my foot. Then the week of the 29th, I'm to start taking baby steps with my foot. I'm behaving myself and following instructions so that it heals properly!!!

Loved reading all about Kaeden's b'day party and hope to talk to them later.