Doesn't this look great?
Fresh strawberries
Fresh pineapple
Cheetos (gotta have some fibre in his lunch - ha!)
A delicious apple
A chocolate chip muffin
Green Grapes
Cold water
and the requisite container of icing sugar - perfect for dipping strawberries in - or fingers for that matter)
Hope you get a chance to have a delicious meal like this today!
That looks sooooo delicious!! Not sure that our lunch today will be that great. Poor Stan may be in charge of a few meals for the next few days as well as trying to get all his outside work done. I was trying to push myself around the house with our rolling computer chair which probably wasn't the safest thing to do but it was better than hanging on Stan all the time. This morning Stan went over to the Care Centre and got his mom's walker and it works like a charm. Feel much safer. The Tylenol 3 has helped lots for the pain but just have to be careful moving my foot.
Hope you're doing okay Sterling. Take care.
That does look like a delicious lunch Kaeden, healthy too.
What happened to you Shirley? The truth now!!
Saw the sun today and still looking at it. This is June after all, we should be getting a little warmer.
Love to all
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