What a difference! They look like two different kids! Schools out and the boys are enjoying their first day of summer vacation. They are busy playing with neighbors, laughing, yelling, giggling, playing and having fun. I love the sound of kids loving life. The weather is great, the kids are outside and Summer is truly here. Craig is off today do some manly things outside, I am getting ready for work and the last football game is tomorrow. We are anxiously waiting the arrival of Kelly, Tica and our cutie nephews on Tuesday night and plan to have a great time with them.
You're not kidding - they look like two different boys - sooooo grown up! Congratulations boys - another year gone and SUMMER TIME FUN!! Have a wonderful summer with your mom and dad, friends, uncle Kelly, auntie Tica, Jacob & Caleb and with us as well in August - we can hardly wait. Love you so much - BIG HUGS TO ALL!
Wow! What a difference 9 months make. You are sooo handsome, love your shorter hair. Loved your long hair too though.
Looks like you'll have lots of company this summer. It will be very fun and a relief to your parents to have someone there when they're working. We'll see you in the fall, not sure when but probably October. We never know what we're doing or when we're doing it. Very organized!! way more fun that way though.
Two weeks down in the job. It's very challenging, more than I wanted. In another 6-8 weeks, we should be able to start job sharing, 20 hours a week or so. That's more my speed. She'd like the summers off, I'd like the winters off. We'll see what the big kahuna says, I'll get all summer, winter and in between if he doesn't like the idea.
The travel bug is biting us badly right now but the thought of a new grand daughter in just a little while is helping the itch. Jessica is doing so well, walking 6-8 kms a day, she's just glowing and not just from sweat. Em has surgery on the 9th of July so I'm betting the babe will be born on the 10th....she's got to be at the hospital anyway...two birds with one stone.
Love to all
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