Saturday, 19 July 2014


Yesterday Craig and the boys spent the day at the Toronto.Indy Fan Day. They had a blast. Kaedo saw a Lamborghini hit the wall, they saw great trials, got awesome swag, saw cute girls in short shorts, ate Churos and swigged Dr.Pepper shots. Sterling having gotten his license, was able to participate in some of the activities offered, and they entered tons of draws which will no doubt flood our inbox with spam.  

Kaedo's love for motorbikes made this picture a must. More ideas in his head - plotting to one day ride a motorbike. Lookin' Good! 

Not to be outdone, Sterling had to give it a go, although he wouldn't be caught dead driving one!

It took them over two hours to get home and I still have piles of swag on my kitchen table that will eventually make its way into the garbage, but for now they are dreaming of driving fast cars, with fancy paint jobs, stereos blaring.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Sounds like a fun time was had by all at the Toronto.Indy Fan Day!

As good as you look on that motorbike Kaeden - we truly hope you don't decide to drive one! Sorry, but I've never liked them and won't change my mind. Glad to hear Sterling won'd be caught dead driving one!

Checked the cute puppy blog and didn't realize there was a pool put back up in your back yard. Didn't want to try and keep the lawn looking good Craig? Looks like the boys will enjoy it for sure.