Monday 13 January 2014

Flea Market Finds and Hurray for Tulips

My mom is groaning right now with the thought of us bringing anything else into this house, but this cash register was calling our name and we just had to have it. This is Kaedo's first vintage purchase with his own money. We split the cost and agreed that should he want to, he can take it with him when he eventually moves from home. He spent time last night cleaning it up and getting the drawer to work and was thrilled to learn it was made it in mid-1940s. I guess I'm living up to my 40s girl reputation as I didn't hesitate to say yes when he asked if we could get it. He got the drawer popped out and we got it situated where we want it and it looks mighty cool. Will have to take a shot of the room so you get a better idea. Did I mention how much I love this area of my house? LOVE!

As for the tulips... We had gone to Costco, and I warned everyone that tulip season was upon us, so to be aware. And afraid. In our house that means that for the next three months there will be an abundance of flowers, and then of course none for the rest of the year. lol. I was like a kid in a candy store when I walked up to the flowers and there were so many colors to choose from.  I almost fainted from pure giddyness. How I only chose one bouquet (at only $10 no less) I will never know.

Maybe I'll use the cash register to store my $10s to pay for my tulip addiction? That makes it a worthwhile purchase, right?

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Groan! Love the tulips.

Love to all