Tuesday 7 January 2014


Small things make me happy. 
I am so thrilled. 
They were selling them by the stem, not the bunch, as these were the first to come in. I got two yellow and an orange and this pretty purple and cream delight as well. In this freezing cold and windy weather, this was the best $9.05 spent. Oh how I love them and the vase my baby made me so many years ago!
 (2005 to be exact)

I hope these brighten your day as they have mine. Cheers!

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

These are so beautiful, I love tulips also. They look perfect in that vase. The photo sure brightens the day.

Having the Rasses for lunch tomorrow I think. She is doing a quilting class and it's the only day she has off this week. I'm going home to make something that can be used up by us if they can't come.

There's a widow lady here from our park in Lethbridge so maybe she'd like to come also. She amazes me as she travels down here every year on her own, has to be in her late 70s and lives in her truck camper. She sold her 5th wheel as she couldn't haul it anymore and she's pretty crippled up with arthritis. It's amazing how the spirit overcomes the body's ability when one wants to do something bad enough. She does loads of crafts to supplement her income. Quite an amazing lady!

Hope everyone's weather improves, including ours. It's only 13C here today. Haha!! No Shannon, I'm not complaining of the cold....well, maybe just a little.

Love to all