Today is a day of kudos. One for Emma and one for Kaedo.
First Up, Emma, my sweet niece -
I learned this week that Emma recently chose to become involved with the Earth Rangers Polar Bear Campaign. Her goal was to raise $250 to donate to this cause in order to provide scientists with collars to track the Polar Bears as well as research their diet.
For her birthday party she requested that in lieu of presents, a donation to her charity would be appreciated. She did it (with a little boost from her mom), and reached her goal! She was so proud. I am so proud. To be an 8 year old child and thinking that you don't need presents - you'd rather donate your "gifts". Awesome! Way to go Emma - well played!
***note - Jessica told me I could screen print the page so you could see her cutie avatar but I have no freakin' idea how to do that! Sorry.
And for Kaedo -
We learned today the the Vice-Principal at Kaedo's current school is the one who gave him the glowing recommendation he needed as the icing on the cake for his new school. As I was sitting in the office this afternoon and she told me, I was thrilled. When Kaedo came into the office, I explained that Mrs. L. had given Kaedo the recommendation, he walked right up to her, put out his hand to shake hers and said, "thank you, very much". She, as well as the other teachers/secretaries in the office were so surprised that I just about burst from pride.
Well played Kaedo, well played!
What a wonderful job you've done raising those boys. So polite and amazing. As for Emma, I'm very proud of her. This is her second time having a party without gifts. In kindergarten she celebrated her 6th birthday and wanted to invite her entire school class and dance class. I said she could have 10 kids with gifts or 26 but no gifts. She chose to have all the kids and said that the party was more fun because they got to play the entire time. Her 'besties' still bought her gifts that they gave her at dance but that was a lot to give up. She is quite the amazing child. I am reminded of that by teachers (not just her own), the principal, vice principal and various support staff every time I go into the school.
We are blessed with wonderful grandchildren, aren't we Shirley? It is so wonderful to be able to take them anywhere and know that their behavior and attention will always be positive. We feel truly blessed but you girls and guy have to take credit for a job well done. You have every right to be proud of the amazing job you are doing.
Love to all
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