Thursday, 9 May 2013

Day 8

So tired today. Such a terrible sleep followed by a crappy day. I know we all have them, but they suck, don't they? I am looking at my house and the little piles of detritus everywhere that I wish I could blame on the boys but must blame myself as well. Thinking of the missed opportunity to have everyone fend for themselves for supper but we have a guest. We will have to talk about our days and trust me, mine is not for company.

Looking outside at the blue sky and hoping we can afford the hammock I so desperately want. Will make it happen. Maybe. Listening to my dog as he growls low in his throat wondering what all these noises are with the windows wide open. Birds chirping, bugs buzzing, cars, kids and motorcycles. Not to mention giggles from badminton games being played in the backyard.

Today's prompt is a piece of advice you have for others - mine is simple: write more letters. I'm not talking email or text or even blogs - I'm talking about spending your coffee money and buying a card. Or buying some nice stationery. Write a note, send it to some one you love telling them how important they are to you. Send them to your nieces and nephews so they know you are thinking of them and have taken time to write to them. In printing - so those new readers can read what you've written. Send thank you cards for an evening spent at friends. Last bust not least - have everyone sign. I love that.

Wishing I could write full time. I have learned it is probably the "thing" that brings me the most happiness. That and bossing the kids around.

Talk to you tomorrow!


Denis & Irene said...

So sorry you had a bad day, true, we all have them but they are no fun.

I have found my penmanship has suffered due to not writing anything down, not even a shopping list. I type that into my phone and rarely write anymore. It is wonderful to get snail mail so I'll have to try sending some out. Good advice!

If you wrote full time, I'd never get anything done as I'd be reading all day.

Do I dare say it's too hot!!!

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Also sorry to hear you had a bad day Shannon - hope tomorrow turns out better for you.

I also have gotten away from writing letters but I do send cards to friends and family when I see one that might make their day. I write everything down and have notes to myself all over the place - especially if we are going away - I don't want to forget anything.

Irene - don't you dare say it's too hot. After the winter we've had, I said if I heard anyone say it's too hot - I would slap them and I really don't want to slap you:) Happy Mother's Day to you Irene - wishing you a wonderful day!

We're heading up to P.A. tomorrow to celebrate Jacob's 7th b'day on Saturday. Hard to believe he's already 7.