Saturday, 19 January 2013

Lego has always been  huge with Kaedo and even at 13 1/2 he still loves it and plays every day. He has over 50 figurines and I am sure 10,000 pieces. I kid you not. Lego is always his go-to activity and he is always excited to show off his creations. I think it is such a wonderful thing to enjoy as it is creative, calming and fulfilling. There are very few things Craig and I have said we would never get rid of. Lego is one of them. We hope one day, should we be lucky enough to have grandchildren, that they to will enjoy playing with the Lego as much as Kaedo does.


Denis & Irene said...

You are very artsy, Kaedo. It is wonderful to be creative. It is something you have received from both your parents as we think they are very artistic also. I know that some people feel that art is only painting, sculpture and such, but anything one creates is art, regardless of what it is. It is a product of your brain and your imagination.

I'm at McDonald's using their wifi as the library here is closed until Tuesday. I hate their coffee but felt I had to buy something. So for 79 cents I get to see the blog and do some of my own programs. There are people here Skyping and this store is perfect for those who come with their laptops as there are little nooks and crannies with bar height tables and chairs, away from the people who really want to spend money and eat.

The RV show starts today so it's a zoo in town, but a friendly one. We will be kept busy from now until we leave Wednesday as we want to see the Intaglios northeast of here and also Palm Canyon, which has the only palm trees indigenous to Arizona. We also have to go back to Ehrenberg post office to see if a package has arrived. We'll do that at the last minute on Wednesday before hitting the road to Winterhaven.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and your weather is bearable. Ours is still cool, not really getting much above 14C and it was 0C last night again. Better than snow, however.

Love to all

GrmpaGrmma said...

Kaeden, we've seen your Lego collection and you make some pretty great things. I'll have to send you some photos of some of the "stuff" that was made in Legoland. It was amazing. We never had Lego bricks but the LocBloc that we bought for one of the boys, is still in our home and has been played with lots over the years.

We haven't done too much for the weekend other than shovel snow again! Stan just went out before getting ready to go to church to shovel about another inch or so off the sidewalks. When I came in to check the weather on the computer - it shows minus 27 - just on Thursday it was +4.

Tomorrow is the funeral for our pastors son. It will be a sad day. Even going to church today will be very sad. Stan is helping usher and then we will be helping at the luncheon.