Sunday, 11 March 2012

Day 3

Picture circa Spring Break 2008

Day 3 is almost ending and it has been a busy one - at least for the social butterflies in our family. Kaedo ended up sleeping over at J's house (surprise, surprise) and got picked up at 12. Sterling headed to C's house at 12:30 and I picked him up at 5. Craig went to the gym and played football with Kaedo this afternoon and then we took Ketchup for a walk. I got the opportunity to talk with both my mom and Jessica today, so I was happy for that.
The rest of the afternoon has been books, playbooks, TV and video games with lots of loud music. Another beautiful day is expected tomorrow so who knows what we'll do. The kids will probably do some biking and scootering and maybe even hit the skate park. We'll see.

1 comment:

GrmpaGrmma said...

Sounds like a very, very busy household and one that's full of fun and hope it continues through your week of holidays!

Stan & I went to church this morning, lunch with Robert & Barb and home and got on our runners and went for a long walk. What a beautiful day it is here +16 showed on the Pharmasave screen. It was windy but the wind even felt warm - spring is around the corner I'm sure of it. Snows melting lots around our yard and now Stan has had to get the pump out to get rid of the water on the north end sidewalk. He even shovelled some of the snow off the back north lawn on to the back south lawn to try and keep water from seeping on the sidewalks.

Enjoy your week - BIG HUGS TO ALL!