Monday, 10 October 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. This morning we bribed the boys with Slurpees in order to get them to stay put for the 56 pictures we took. We came out with 19 really good ones which I will have printed and sent to the fams. We actually had a lot of fun and the kids were great. A word to those of you with younger children - it never gets easier!
Anyway - wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving - ours is cooking now.

Lots of love,


Denis & Irene said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you also. Ok Shannon, in about six months or less you will be the shortest one in the family. This is a lovely photo and we would love to have one. How handsome our boys are!!! You too, Craig.

We're sure your dinner was great as we've never had a bad meal at your place unless I've cooked it.

The news says that you have awesome weather. We have also. The girls had a great time at the park in just short sleeves with no jackets. Hope the great weather stays but our neighbor says that it's supposed to snow on Friday. That would really suck!

It was great talking with all of you today but I think I prefer the phone as opposed to Skype video. Think we'll stick to the phone calls, way more I don't have to do my hair.

Love to all

KPJC said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Great blog entries and good luck with the hat sales. The picture looks great and just hit me how grown up the boys look. You make me feel shame Shannon . . . you are able to keep family up to date with the blog and mine dwindles a lot. The boys ask about Sterling and Kaeden a lot. Jacob is getting into Lego recently - too bad the interest was not there at Christmas last year. Caleb loves football and would be ecstatic to see his uncle play (his dad is too fragile now at his old age to play).
Nott sure if Tica will want a hat but I will browse and see if one can be a Christmas gift.
Hope all is well.
PS Did Sterling get my History Fair ideas? If he has an interest in one of them I can brainstorm some ideas with him on how to possibly make it dynamic!!!


GrmpaGrmma said...

Love the family photo and can hardly wait to get ours.

Sounds like you had a yummy Thanksgiving meal and lots of leftovers which are sometimes even better.

Have a great week - BIG HUGS TO ALL!