Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Year 3, Baby!

Here it is - first pic of the new gnome and our new year! Here's to 51 more great photos. New blog header too, if you didn't notice!

Have a great one!


GrmpaGrmma said...

We did notice the new blog header and everyone including the new gnome looks GREAT! Looking forward to seeing 51 more photos of two of the best looking grandsons ever!

Just getting ready to head out later to meet sisters at Fabutan and after lunch out to Herbert to visit mom. It's my turn to drive and the weather forecast is for a very, very windy day so we'll get blown out there and fight it on the way home!

Hope everyone is having a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Love the new gnome and the guys holding him. Happy Year 3.

Beautiful day here today. It would be nice to be able to do the Kettle Valley trestles today but we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Hope the weather stays sunny. We'll think of you boys when we're doing the riding as we know how much you enjoyed that day out on the bikes.

Love to all