Saturday, 12 March 2011

week 24

Better late than never! This week has been so busy and I have been so tired. I hope I'm not coming down with something. The weather was great earlier in the week as you can tell from the sun shining in this picture. I was sure Spring was on its way but the rest of the week has been slush, rain and snow. I don't mind the rain but really don't like the slush on the roads. I had a harrowing drive home from the centre on Wednesday. The weather doesn't want to remain cold so I am hopeful we are seeing the end of this weather. I guess we can just be grateful that we are not in Japan or BC dealing with earthquakes and tsunami warnings. I have to remember to count my blessings.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

So true, we are watching the news as I write this. They were interviewing a mom and dad who hadn't yet heard if their son and his family are ok. He teaches school in the city that was devastated but their only source of consolation was that there was no news reports of schools being destroyed. Pete and Roz said that there were tremors last week in Yuma.

Boat races today with water skiers in tow. They reach speeds over 100 mph. I can't imagine going that fast on water skis. We saw some practicing yesterday. They look like they're in full body armor. The tow rope is about three times longer than what we used to use or what is used for recreational waterskiing. This is an annual event that always has some mishaps we are told.

Weather is gorgeous 28-30C. Spring ahead tonight, that has to mean that spring is coming doesn't it?

Love to all