Friday, 3 December 2010

Hockey Night in Canada

Craig and Kaedo were lucky enough to have the opportunity to take in the Leafs vs Oilers game last night at the ACC. They had a blast. The Oilers won - much to Craig's delight and Kaedo's disappointment, but Kaedo was quick to say this morning that it was "fantastic". One thing Kaedo was adamant about in going to the game was that he was going to have a pretzel. So they pigged out on junk food, watched the game, cheered on their teams and had a blast. They got home about 11:30pm and were up this morning heading to school and work just like normal.
Craig said the tickets were awesome, Row 16 at the blue line. That probably makes sense to you, not me. Now each of the boys can claim they have been to an NHL game - although they have both been to two. Sterling when he was about 16 months and Kaedo while I was pregnant with him.
Hope your Friday finds you well and you have a great weekend. We have football, work, soccer and tree decorating and are looking forward to spending some time together as a family. I'll post pictures of the tree Sunday or Monday. Happy Weekend.

1 comment:

Denis & Irene said...

Is it really Friday already??? Happy weekend.

What a special treat to go to an NHL game, with your two favorite teams, and not have to pay the price of admission. The junk food probably cost the price of admission but that's half the fun. We are so happy for both of you.

Have a great time tree decorating this weekend. I think I like that day better than Christmas Day. The memories are so vivid and it was always so much fun. I never had tree decorating when I was growing up. My mom put it up and she took it down, there was no celebration like we have now. Denis's family did the tree two Sundays before Christmas so they had a family day of it. Looking forward to doing it on the 23rd.

Wonderful day today, it rained only slightly and we sat in it while we ate our lunch on a picnic table at Shelter Cove watching the seals, sea lions and all sorts of birds. We also had 10 minutes of sunshine, the rest of the day was just overcast but lovely and only a light fleece was required. Shelter Cove is waaaaay off the beaten track, actually you take a beaten track to get there. Washouts, slides, half a road, that's how much it has rained. It was a truly awesome day finishing up back in the Redwoods. Majestic, no words can describe the beauty of northern California.

Getting on Highway 1 at Leggett tomorrow and getting as far as we can before going inland north of Frisco to Winters. We figured it was central to Napa, Sacramento and Frisco and we have a park there so it's worth the drive in. We will head back to the coast in 5-6 days probably just south of Frisco as we've done that part of the coast road many times before. Having an truly awesome time, glad we didn't do it last year from south to north, this is a way better experience.

Love to all