J is here this afternoon and Kaedo is going to his hockey game this afternoon then over to J's house for supper. You would think they would get sick of each other but don't seem to.
The weather is glorious and everyone is in shorts. Hope the weather is great wherever you are.
Send some of that beautiful weather down to S.C. It's nice but not as nice as it looks there. Have fun on your trampoline boys - Craig included!! Jacob says he wants his up when they go home.
We just got home from having Chinese food - Petrica and I were so full we decided to walk home. Boys are in the tub and Jacob is excited that the bunny is coming tonight.
Talk to you tomorrow on Skype!
Glad your weather was so nice on the weekend but I hear it's not supposed to be so good today. The weather is ok here, at least it's not freezing, though you'd never know it the way I'm dressed.
We had a great weekend with Jessica, Emma and Avery. We had a turkey which was a surprise, a nice surprise however. I made soup with the carcass and froze quite a bit of it for Avery. She eats spoon fed meals once a day now, finger food twice and nurses the rest. She loves to nurse and doesn't care who's holding her when she's ready. We came back to Lethbridge yesterday afternoon as we have loads of things to look after before we head back to the Hat. Denis walked into Totem to say hi and was asked when he wanted to start. He starts back on the 26th as we want to stay here for a bit and visit with friends.
Did a quick tax exploration today and thank goodness we get quite a good sum back. We broke even last year and paid horribly the year before. I hate that kind of torture when we first get back. We have so much to cram into the three weeks we're here that the time just flies by. We've got a spot in the Hat until November 1 which is when we plan to leave for the warm weather.
We're the first ones home from down south but everyone will be back by the 15th so we want to get all the must do stuff done before then. It's amazing how much mail you accumulate in three months but it's all done and shredded, thank goodness.
Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend.
Love to all
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