Hello all -
Saturday already. Where has the week gone?
We were lucky enough to have Craig join us for bowling this morning. It is so much easier when there is a parent for each child. Kaedo got his first TURKEY! Yahoo - I was thrilled that I got to see it happen (three strikes in a row). He bowled a 186 that game. He is a very good bowler. Slow and methodical and doesn't get down on himself.
Sterling did not have his best games today and I think was a little thrown off by Kaedo's turkey. He also has a boy on his team that is so annoying it makes it very difficult to enjoy the morning. This boy has boundary issues and is always right in your face, touching you and yuck. I really feel for Sterling. He doesn't even want to go he hates being around this kid so much. I even feel uncomfortable. The worst part is that he is supervised by his older brother who is probably only 17 and has many of the same issues. If Sterling chooses to bowl next year I am going to request that he not be placed on a team with this boy.
I am working today. 4-midnight. Should be OK. I am going to pack up my bag with my knitting (yes, the kids call me old granny), a book, a magazine and my daytimer. Can't live without the thing. I don't know who else uses a planner but this is my first real year of using one diligently. I have never been one to be able to journal. I have tried. God, have I tried. I love journals, I love carrying them, I love buying them, but writing, not so much. I recently bought my 2010 planner - I have a specific style I like and bought an exact duplicate of this years planner. I have filled it with all the things I know are coming up and getting that it is almost December, more and more things are being written into my new planner. Where was I going with this?? Oh ya - I came to the realization that my planner is a journal of sorts. It carries the minutiae of our lives and I will be able to look back and see what we did and what types of things were important for me to write down this year. If you have a planner, you should take the time to look back. It's pretty interesting. Some days is just "buy milk and eggs" but other days I have written down quotes I have seen and other things that have caught my eye.
Anyway - enough from me. I have to get ready to head out. Looking forward to my Sunday morning call with mom. As I won't get home until 1am, I am planning to set my alarm for 10:59am and get up and talk to mom in my pjs.
Hope you are all well. Lots of love
CONGRATULATIONS KAEDEN!!! WOW - WAY TO GO! The last time we bowled with the Klassen get-together, I was happy to get a 100 score. Keep up the great bowling. Hope Sterling's team member starts to leave him alone because Sterling loves his bowling as well.
We've had a very busy week this week and it will continue until Tuesday. We put up Christmas lights outside and Christmas tree and decorations on Monday, Line Dancing, coffee, hockey and a visit from Uncle Ike on Tuesday, Wednesday - time with my mom and sisters and the Research Station Senior Christmas banquet in the evening, Line Dancing and Mom K. visit and played walleyball in the evening, Friday mom & sister get-together and last night we had our "JOY"- just older youth Christmas banquet at our church. Today we slept in and haven't done too much of anything. We just got a call from our friends and they want to meet us for supper. Then tonight Stan has a hockey game to go to and I'm going to Michelle Wright concert at the Sky Centre with Marion & Jewel. Tomorrow we'll go to Church and then come home and get ready for the BIG GAME!!! Stan invited Hank & Jewel to come and watch it on our new HD - 42" t.v. It starts at 5:30 p.m. so I decided to get some chili ready and we'll eat before the game starts. Always have to have nibblies inbetween as well. Hope everyone will be cheering for our ROUGHRIDERS and hopefully they'll have a good game.
Way to go Kaeden! Wish I could have been there to watch you as that is a fun Saturday morning when we're there visiting. Sorry this person is making you uncomfortable Sterling. Sounds like he has no one to pay attention to him at home but that's no excuse for ruining your enjoyment. Have you spoken to him about it???
Had a great time at Rasmussen's yesterday, she's a totally wonderful cook. Very embarrassing though as we said we'd be there at noon but didn't even think about the time change. She was waiting for us, club in hand. She said she was going to e-mail and remind us but figured we'd know...never crossed our minds. Anyway, lunch was not ruined and we had a great visit. The roads going were absolute crap. The Sk. part of the highway was way better than Alberta as they use salt and we don't. The 37 south was just snow packed and icy. Coming home was dry and great but once you hit the Hat it was exactly the same ice and crud that it was when we left. They mustn't have road crews here.
Emma's violin recital this afternoon and then we'll watch the game. Stauffers wanted us to go there but we missed Emma's dancing yesterday so we didn't want to miss violin also. Plus, driving all that way home after Grey Cup, not too pleasant a thought.
It's panic time, haven't done much shopping yet but your parcel went off Friday noon so it should arrive within 7 business days. They had to use up all the stamps that people hadn't bought so the boys may enjoy the five books of Remembrance Day stamps they put on. Glad the parcel was big enough to hold them all. It should be colorful.
Enjoy the game everyone
Love to all
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