Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Lego my Lego

To say we have a lot of Lego is an understatement. I think it is safe to say we have over 10,000 pieces of all shapes and sizes. Last week we attempted to get some of this under control. It is still a work in progress. We bought what we thought was enough containers for everything and started the sorting process (flat pieces, singles, wheels, etc) and found we were woefully short of containers. This week we plan to finish getting this done.
Had to show a picture of the bathroom they built. Amazing. They have so much imagination and come up with things that just blow me away. Some of their creations are just amazing. I love to see what they come up with. They are sitting on the floor of the office right now putting together some great new creations and "dressing" all the guys they have.
Sterling: "Why are you putting that cape on that guy?"
Kaedo: "Cause it looks cool".
Sterling:"Ya, but he's evil - he can't have a cape. Give him a cowboy hat".
Now they are humming the Indiana Jones theme. If only we had a giant rock that their guys could run from.


GrmpaGrmma said...

WOW!! They do have tons of Lego blocks. They enjoyed the ones we had here last summer but it was barely in one little box. Great imagination those boys have.

Last night our power went out at 8:40 p.m. and didn't come back on till 11:15 p.m. We haven't heard yet what happened but we didn't have a tornado - there had been warnings out all day for a tornado watch. This morning it's dull, dreary and rainy so I decided I could attempt to bake some buns. Stan had to get a few things ready for me to mix them together and then he went out to the garage to putter.

We're hoping the weather smartens up before Friday because we're going to go camping at Besant near Moose Jaw and take in the Gospel Jamboree. They are forcasting for nice weather but one never knows in Saskatchewan.

Have a great day - BIG HUGS TO ALL!

Denis & Irene said...

Imagination plus!!! You two really do some great work with the Lego. Baba and I were just discussing whether or not we went to Legoland when we were in Europe many years ago...BC..before children. We'll have to look it up and let you know.

We had the same storm Shirley, but our power didn't go out. The lightning was awesome though. It rained almost all night and it was very dreary this morning, but no tornadoes.It's cloudy here now but good weather should be on the way.

Jessica is still pregnant but we're all anxiously awaiting the birth. Baby isn't positioned quite right so, knowing Jess, she'll be doing the corrective exercises 8 hours a day. I feel for her as I think this is the worst part of the whole pregnancy, up to and including labour.

Is it summer yet???

Love to all

Denis & Irene said...

Just checked and we didn't go to Legoland. It's in Billund, which is a little over 3 hours by train from Copenhagen. We didn't take any long side trips out of Copenhagen when we were there. The city was way too interesting and loads of fun. There's a Legoland in California now though. The one in Denmark is the oldest though. I'm disappointed now that we didn't go but I'm sure it sounded like a really dull event in those BC days.

Love you boys