Thursday, 19 March 2009

ahh, cute!

Tuesday night I had an 87 year old gentleman call me at work, here's how it went:

ME: "Good evening, thank you for calling ..., this is Shannon, how can I help you?"
HIM: "I have a joke for you"
ME: "Great, let hear it"
HIM: "Why did the M&Ms go to school?"
ME: "I don't know, why?"
HIM: "They wanted to be Smarties"


GrmpaGrmma said...

Cute joke and I'm sure it made you smile and make up for any nasty calls you may have received (hopefully not any!).

Hope you're all having a great week together and you wonder how the week went by so fast!


Denis & Irene said...

I hope that when I'm 87 I remember what M&M's and Smarties are.