a bunch of candy and a headache fffoooorrrrr mom!
Hi - how are you? All is well. The boys are doing good. They tobogganed this weekend and had a blast. We got a pile of snow yesterday and it took Craig and I almost an hour to shovel it all. It looks so beautiful. The roads are clear and the sun is shining. The thermometer in the truck said that it was -7, but if it is it is a real nice -7. I only wore a vest and scarf (not only - you know what I mean) and didn't need any mitts this morning. I drove to Markham and had no problems, so no one needs to be worried about us here. We may even have a white Christmas. I remember one year the boys went tobogganing with their new GT Snow racers on Christmas morning. Such fun.
So, Ernie got into some trouble last night. Kaed remembered to feed and water him, and in the middle of the night, quiet as Santa on Christmas Eve, Ernie got up and wrapped himself in toilet paper and left it all over the main floor. Sterling came upstairs and said - "mom, Ernie is a mummy!" Of course I had no idea what he was talking about. When I got downstairs I was appalled at the mess and waste. We're going to have to teach that Ernie a lesson!
So - have you been RAKing? I haven't heard anything. Come on, people! I RAKed yesterday, and RAKed big time today. What a good feeling. If you're not doing it - DO IT!
OK - that's it -
talk later
Who cleaned up Ernie's mess today? Hope it was all wound up and used!!! (Scotch lady that I am!) How many more sleeps boys? THEN HOLIDAYS - YEH!! Beginning of the week and it will just fly by. Our plans for tomorrow are to drive to Medicine Hat to - return Nemo costume, big up Christmas present for Jacob and have a wonderful visit with Denis, Irene, Jessica and Emma - that is if we don't get lost trying to find their house. I told Jessica that we would call when we arrived in Medicine Hat and she could give us instructions OR come and get us to follow her home.
Weather is beautiful here today as well - no sun but hardly any wind and minus 1. I just got home from our Christmas coffee at Roberta's this afternoon - goodies galore! There were 13 of us - that's including 5 little ones who are all very busy doing everything and anything.
RAK - Shannon - doing our everyday NICE things inside and outside of the house! Can't think of anything in particular at the moment.
We went up and visited with Kim (Hank & Jewel's daughter who just got home from Regina with her little girl who was born 7 weeks early) in the hospital last night. They transferred the baby to S.C. by ambulance and she will probably be in for another couple of weeks but at least Kim can go up there anytime and Jasmine (her four year old sister) can go visit her little sister Kaylena as well. Kaylena was 4 lbs. 15 oz. when she was born and has gained some weight but she is sooooo sweet. Such tiny features and lots of dark hair. She may still be in the hospital for Christmas but at least she's in S.C.
Well, it's after four so best get some idea for supper - I'm not hungry after eating all the goodies at Roberta's but I'm sure Stan will be ready for something by 5:30 or so.
Hope you had a great trip to Calgary Denis & Irene and see you tomorrow!
Just rereading my last message - it sounds like I have a cold in my nose - when I put in "big up" instead of "pick up"!! Should have proof read before sending!
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