Monday, 30 April 2012
Bravery, Courage and Strength
An Open Letter to My Sister -
Dear Jessica,
Today is a big day, a hard day, a tiring day, and overwhelming one. I don't know how you will do it but I know you will. You will be amazing. You will do everything and more. You will keep the girls happy, you will smile, you will take deep breaths and you will make this day work.
A move from everything you have known for years into something that you will build with your beautiful girls. The three of you. A new life, a better life. I am so proud of you. How you have taken the struggles of the weekend let alone the last two years and made them work for you. How you never gave up. You are a stronger woman that I and I will freely admit that. Do you know how blessed your girls are to have you? You spend every moment of your life with them. Nurturing them, loving them. And look at them - they are amazing - because of you. Take pride in what you have done and what you do. You. And I'm so proud to be your sister. I am so proud to be your friend. I am one of the lucky ones.
I love you,
Sunday, 29 April 2012
So how's your day going????
Mine is fan-freaking-tastic!
It's 12:20pm and today I got my first birthday present. As many of you know, I will be 40 in a couple of weeks and I was asked by my mom and dad what I would like for my birthday. To be honest, I wasn't really sure. About 5 years ago Jessica gave me and iPod for my birthday and I have used it every day since. Lately, however, it hasn't been working. I guess the lifespan for mine was 5 years. Yesterday we went out and looked at the new iPod Nanos and found one we thought would be good for me. When my mom asked me this morning what I'd like, I was fully prepared to answer and mentioned the iPod. There was a bit of a pause in the conversation before she said to me, "We can get you the iPod but I was thinking of something else - how about a trip to Vegas?" Truly, if my family hadn't been sleeping I would have been screaming. I was shocked.
This doesn't come out of the blue, exactly. There is a bit of a back story. You see, Jessica and I always said we would go to Vegas for our 40ths. With our individual situations, it became less and less of an option, but I think we both always had it in the back of our minds. Fast forward to this year and Em is dancing in a HUGE dance competition in VEGAS. I had mentioned a while back that I would love the opportunity to see her dance and this just made everything possible. So, I am going to meet them in Vegas, toddler wrangle Av with mom and dad while Jessica and Em are getting reading for her competitions, watch her dance, see the sights, hang out with my family, go out with my sister and have a great holiday.
The added bonus is that Craig is going to take his holidays and will be home with the boys and they will be able to have some great times together - the three men!
So anyway,
Happy Early Birthday to me! Sounds like 40 is going to be GREAT!
Friday, 27 April 2012
Say What?????
We recently got a letter from our Municipality requesting opinions on setting up our side of the street as a no parking zone. Craig was quick to reply. We are not opposed to their being periods of time in which the No Parking should exist, say 8-4pm or something like that but we wanted to be able to park in front of our house on the weekends when the kids want to play hockey or basketball. Craig received a reply and the administrator was very matter of fact - the decision had already been made to put up the signs and if you wanted a permit to park on the street they were $39.55 per vehicle. That's for the residents. Absolutely ludicrous. Interestingly enough it hasn't stopped anyone from parking in front of our house and there are no meter maids to be found patrolling the area. One thing I'm sure of though - the minute I park the car out there so the kids can play I'm going to get screwed.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
week 31
Week 31 and the weather has been crappy. As I keep telling people - "at least it's not snow". It has been cold and rainy since the weekend but today was beautiful and I'm hoping we are on the turn around. Busy week for all and tomorrow (Thursday) will be especially so. Craig is going out to dinner with his team after work and the boys want to sit in on a workshop tomorrow then we will be rushing to soccer practice. I don't mind but often wonder how it would all be possible when I go back to work in the next little while.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Hello - Monday already. Where does time go? Yesterday much of the day was spent as a family then the kids buzzed off and tormented the neighborhood for a couple of hours. I was able to finish a book, Craig watched hockey and we spent some time together. The week has started with a bang. I spent some time at the school this morning then returned this afternoon to host my "tacos in a bag" workshop with 25 elementary school kids. Luckily I have my best guys backing me up as helpers and a high schooler who comes to get his volunteer hours.
One of the things we do at this workshop, after making and eating our tacos in a bag (they eat, I watch) we teach the kids how to count to 10 in Spanish. They sit in three groups and we have a competition once they've all learned it as to which team is the loudest. We were bringing down the roof today. I'm sure the Principal was thrilled (not) but it's all about the kids.
One of the young girls called me over mid way through the workshop and whispered to me that she knew someone who had a crush on Sterling. I asked who and she giggled and said "me". I had to laugh. What was funnier was that she introduced him to her mom when she came to pick her up. That makes my day.
We got home at 5:40pm and will have supper in a little while then Kaedo's team has been selected to work with other rep coaches in a coaching clinic. Ooohhh lala. It will be a late night but he's looking forward to it.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Little birdies - to be
We learned this week that we have visitors in our tree once again. The first time was 2004 and the last was 2010. I'm so glad they are back. In the past I think we have always had 3 eggs but I'm not complaining! Momma is flying around the yard picking up supplies needed to keep her eggs safe. She hasn't flown out of the tree and scared us half to death yet but that's only a matter of time!
Friday, 20 April 2012
Week 30.The boys were on their way to school and both had wet hair! The weather has been Spring-like. No shorts, although by the afternoon they certainly could be wearing them and no jackets after school. The boys have been playing with friends, biking, scootering, hanging out. All those good things. The weekend brings yard work and dandelion duty along with maybe a family walk and all sitting down to watch a movie Craig may have taped. Whatever we do (who am I kidding, the kids will abandon us for their friends) will be enjoyed.
Good luck to Emma again this weekend on her dance competition. You are amazing! The best there is. I can say that because you proved it! Love you!
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
So, I gushed all about Kaedo yesterday, so today is all Sterling. I know I gush on them a lot and you are patient reading about how great I think my kids are. I guess it comes down to if you don't like reading about them, don't read. Right?
Sterling is 14.5 years old. He's 5'8". He's got the dreamy eyes, the winning smile and the best personality going. He's struggled less than some kids and much more than others. Craig and I have talked and talked about him and I've even had my mom lend an ear and an opinion. Not always what I wanted to hear but always appreciated. I was talking to my mom a couple of weeks ago about how much he'd calmed down, blah blah blah and she made an interesting comment, "he's finally decided he's ready to let go of being a kid". I wasn't sure. Was that true? How could it be? But over the last while I have watched, observed, listened, and spent time with him. He IS a young man, he's no longer a "child", he's growing into the person I want him to be. My mom was right, he finally decided to give up the drama.
I LOVE the son I had before. He wore me out and tried my patience but he is mine. Every bit of him. The difference now is that not only do I LOVE him I genuinely LIKE him. Truly, deeply. He is someone I want to be with, talk to, learn from, listen to.
He has got so much amazing stuff to say. Man, I am learning at every encounter. He has decided it is time to be a contributing member to this family in that he has decided he doesn't mind doing laundry and he'd like that to be his chore (thank you thank you thank you). He has decided that he wants to see how his meals are made and wants to take an active part making the family meals (chicken pot pie tonight). He knows when it is time for bed and comes up without any argument and last but not least he is making positive, life changing choices in who he chooses to be friends with. He has classmates that are partying, drinking, smoking pot. Not him. He has steered as far away as possible from those people. He has built a core group of friends that like him and respect him and their parents love him, and I am so happy of those choices more than any others. My son chooses to be a leader not a follower.
So today I gave him an extra long hug, and told him how awesome he was. Because lets face it - I should be telling him everyday.
Sterling is 14.5 years old. He's 5'8". He's got the dreamy eyes, the winning smile and the best personality going. He's struggled less than some kids and much more than others. Craig and I have talked and talked about him and I've even had my mom lend an ear and an opinion. Not always what I wanted to hear but always appreciated. I was talking to my mom a couple of weeks ago about how much he'd calmed down, blah blah blah and she made an interesting comment, "he's finally decided he's ready to let go of being a kid". I wasn't sure. Was that true? How could it be? But over the last while I have watched, observed, listened, and spent time with him. He IS a young man, he's no longer a "child", he's growing into the person I want him to be. My mom was right, he finally decided to give up the drama.
I LOVE the son I had before. He wore me out and tried my patience but he is mine. Every bit of him. The difference now is that not only do I LOVE him I genuinely LIKE him. Truly, deeply. He is someone I want to be with, talk to, learn from, listen to.
He has got so much amazing stuff to say. Man, I am learning at every encounter. He has decided it is time to be a contributing member to this family in that he has decided he doesn't mind doing laundry and he'd like that to be his chore (thank you thank you thank you). He has decided that he wants to see how his meals are made and wants to take an active part making the family meals (chicken pot pie tonight). He knows when it is time for bed and comes up without any argument and last but not least he is making positive, life changing choices in who he chooses to be friends with. He has classmates that are partying, drinking, smoking pot. Not him. He has steered as far away as possible from those people. He has built a core group of friends that like him and respect him and their parents love him, and I am so happy of those choices more than any others. My son chooses to be a leader not a follower.
So today I gave him an extra long hug, and told him how awesome he was. Because lets face it - I should be telling him everyday.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Anyone who knows me knows I am PROUD of my kids. Really. Proud. They amaze me on a daily basis. Today however, I am beaming. Everyone has seen Kaedo`s long hair over the past six months. He keeps growing it with the intention of cutting it for the soccer season. Over the weekend we started talking about Sterling`s friend C who grew out his hair and cut it for `Locks of Love`, a charity that makes wigs for people who have cancer.
Here`s where the pride comes in - Kaedo has decided to donate his hair for a wig as well. There is a Canadian organization that does it through the hair care company PANTENE, and I think that is who he has decided to go through. He needs 8 inches, which he has now, but he doesn't want a pig shave so he's going to keep growing it through the Summer and come Fall when he has a little more growth, he's going to do it.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Family Walk
How's that for a lot of pictures??? We had a great day together today. Craig got up and went to the gym this morning, I had a chat with my mom, the boys played video games and watched tv and Ketchup snoozed on his bed. Craig and I went out for an hour to hang out and when we were on our way back we called the boys and told them to get dressed - we were going on a family walk. We went into one of the nearby cities and walked a nice path - about 2kms and took some pictures, watched the lone goose, flicked aphids off our sweaters and marveled at how foggy it was. From there we went to Chapters - my favorite place on EARTH! Sterling wanted to buy a new book and so he wanted to look around. I suggested the library but he is not a quick reader and so he doesn't think that's a good option for him. Craig suggested he finish reading the Hunger Games series but he says he's sick of them. So I figure there are worse things for him to spend his money on. They left me in Chapters salivating while they went to Sport Chek, and then we headed home so Sterling could have some down time before heading to his Interact meeting tonight.
It has been a very nice day and we will surely add these kinds of days to our list of fun things to do on Sundays file.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Saturday Sharing
I was ..... just thinking about Ketchup and how hard it must be for him to see us go on about our lives without including him. Poor dog!
I think ..... it is time for new family photos - we need to find a fun spot for some Spring snapshots
I wonder ..... what tomorrow will bring. I always do.
I wish ..... I would win the lottery (I mean, who doesn't???)
I save ..... it seems like everything - maybe I'm a hoarder!!
I always ..... kiss and hug my kids - every day - as much as possible - more than they probably want!!
I can't imagine ..... life without my family. Nope. Can't do it.
I believe ..... that there is a reason for everything. I just don't know what the hell it is. grrrr
I love ..... that my boys are becoming the most amazing young men. I am so proud to be their mom. They continually WOW me and I just love spending time with them more and more. AWESOME!
I think ..... it is time for new family photos - we need to find a fun spot for some Spring snapshots
I wonder ..... what tomorrow will bring. I always do.
I wish ..... I would win the lottery (I mean, who doesn't???)
I save ..... it seems like everything - maybe I'm a hoarder!!
I always ..... kiss and hug my kids - every day - as much as possible - more than they probably want!!
I can't imagine ..... life without my family. Nope. Can't do it.
I believe ..... that there is a reason for everything. I just don't know what the hell it is. grrrr
I love ..... that my boys are becoming the most amazing young men. I am so proud to be their mom. They continually WOW me and I just love spending time with them more and more. AWESOME!
Friday, 13 April 2012
Boys will be Boys
A couple of weeks ago Sterling hung out with his friend C and they took some fast action photos with his moms fancy-dancy camera. Here are some of my favorite. They took water bottles, cokes, flour boxes etc and hit them with a bat to see them explode. The one of him jumping off the porch I just like cause it's cool. Aagh, the things boys do when they are sick of playing video games!
A special good luck to my sweet Emma who has been in a dance competition all week and whose team has been doing awesome (because of her - not that I'm biased). Today is her solo and I know she's going to ROCK IT! Good luck my sweet girl!!!!
Thursday, 12 April 2012
week 29

Week 29 and the weather is AWESOME!!!!! At least if you like a thin jacket or layered T's. Which I do.
Tonight we have our first outdoor soccer practice. Very exciting. It is proof that the season is warming up and it won't be too much longer. Actually a month yesterday is their first tournament and I am anxiously waiting to bite my tongue from cheering too loudly. The team has a lot of new kids this year but Kaedo feels very confident. He says they seem to mesh better. I am looking forward to seeing what they can do. I have also booked the hotel for our trip to Ottawa the first weekend in June. Why we have to go to Ottawa I have no idea. They don't ask me my opinion.
Tomorrow the kids have a dance at school and Sterling and his buddy C have checked out the playlist (how, I have no idea) and have decided they aren't interested. Kaedo says he doesn't want to have to dance to stupid songs (since when was the macarena and chicken dance stupid? oh ya - forever). So we'll see if peer pressure pushes them to go (or girls) or if they will remain glued to their computers watching mindless YouTube videos all afternoon.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
A Kick in the Ass
Today I was coming home from an appointment to my house, via the 401 when right in front of me a semi clipped an SUV and it spun out of control ending up on the shoulder. No other cars were involved and the driver of the SUV was not injured. I know that because I pulled over and checked. Good Samaritan. I would want someone to do it for me. FYI - she just got the car yesterday. Brand new. The truck pulled over way down the way and started running back to us. While we were waiting the driver of the SUV asked me if I had seen the accident happen and I had to admit that no, I hadn't, only her spinning. Once the driver and sidekick of the semi got to us they took all the blame, gave their names, advised they had called the police, etc. I reiterated to the SUV driver that I hadn't seen the accident but she could take my number in case the semi driver changed his mind about being in the wrong. I typed it into her phone and got back in my car and headed home to prep for my next appointment.
This is where you second guess stopping - about an hour later I get a call from the police asking me about the accident. I explained that I hadn't seen it. To which he kindly advises, "Did you known you committed a criminal offence leaving the accident. You could be issued a ticket".
Sometimes you just can't catch a break.
This is where you second guess stopping - about an hour later I get a call from the police asking me about the accident. I explained that I hadn't seen it. To which he kindly advises, "Did you known you committed a criminal offence leaving the accident. You could be issued a ticket".
Sometimes you just can't catch a break.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
A new era - almost
Sterling had an orthodontist appointment today. I think it was our 356th. He has been going for three and a half years. That must be some sort of record. Will they give him a medal at the end? Today I asked to speak with the orthodontist and get to the bottom of things - there has to be an end in sight! He sat us down and told us if Sterling stayed on track with this new change he should be eating gum by Summer! Sterling was thrilled. Grad is June 26 and I know he is thinking of that day as a goal. It always has been for him. So today they made some big changes. He has the largest wire they make on the top (this is an end of braces wire) and he got elastics that span from the top to the bottom. We were both shocked and his teeth were hurting already when we left the office. He was told that if he wears his elastics all the time except for eating he will get them off in 2 months or so. Trust me, they can tell - these people are amazing - bracewhisperers.
Next up will be Kaedo. Our ortho doesn't think his will be as long - and Sterling's teeth were much worse - but lets hope he gets them off for grade 12 grad. haha. It's funny when you think "the van will be paid off in December so we'll be able to make payments on Kaedo's teeth". Ha! I know orthodontics is not for the weak of heart, my parents must have paid a fortune when I was young, and we've paid $6000 for Sterling, but when I look at him now and then and how beautiful his smile is, I would give up anything to make sure Kaedo gets the same treatment.
As I said to my mom - the only thing I'm concerned about is the Bulk Barn withdrawals.
Next up will be Kaedo. Our ortho doesn't think his will be as long - and Sterling's teeth were much worse - but lets hope he gets them off for grade 12 grad. haha. It's funny when you think "the van will be paid off in December so we'll be able to make payments on Kaedo's teeth". Ha! I know orthodontics is not for the weak of heart, my parents must have paid a fortune when I was young, and we've paid $6000 for Sterling, but when I look at him now and then and how beautiful his smile is, I would give up anything to make sure Kaedo gets the same treatment.
As I said to my mom - the only thing I'm concerned about is the Bulk Barn withdrawals.
Monday, 9 April 2012
this week
My neighbor's tulips. EVERY Fall I say I will plant some of my own and every Fall I fail to do so. So right now I am quietly watching the leaves grow bigger and bigger, curious as to what mix she has planted for this year. I always want to pick a few but never do. Not very good for neighbor relations.
Too much and not enough. I find myself spinning around and around not knowing where I am going to stop. I have too much on my list and yet it doesn't seem like enough. I feel overwhelmed and yet ready to take on the world. I find myself giving up so much of my time that I don't know when I will focus on myself and what I need to do.
Working together as a family to create the best life we can. It is easy to forget that your children aren't "babies" any more. It is important for me to think about the best ways to make our family thrive. To give everyone what they need and be willing to accept something back.
Seeing my swing on my back porch. It's colorful floral cushions resting lazily on the seat. Looking forward to sitting there dreaming, wishing, hoping, planning. A few minutes to myself where I can hear the birds chirping, listen to children playing, and wish for many more cloud free days where I can soak up the sun and just be.
My neighbor's tulips. EVERY Fall I say I will plant some of my own and every Fall I fail to do so. So right now I am quietly watching the leaves grow bigger and bigger, curious as to what mix she has planted for this year. I always want to pick a few but never do. Not very good for neighbor relations.
Too much and not enough. I find myself spinning around and around not knowing where I am going to stop. I have too much on my list and yet it doesn't seem like enough. I feel overwhelmed and yet ready to take on the world. I find myself giving up so much of my time that I don't know when I will focus on myself and what I need to do.
Working together as a family to create the best life we can. It is easy to forget that your children aren't "babies" any more. It is important for me to think about the best ways to make our family thrive. To give everyone what they need and be willing to accept something back.
Seeing my swing on my back porch. It's colorful floral cushions resting lazily on the seat. Looking forward to sitting there dreaming, wishing, hoping, planning. A few minutes to myself where I can hear the birds chirping, listen to children playing, and wish for many more cloud free days where I can soak up the sun and just be.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Happy Easter
Happy Easter to everyone. The Easter Bunny was good to us and let us SLEEP IN!!!! YAY! Not that we can't normally but I'm using that as my gift for today. The boys got a few treats as well. Kaedo got an iTunes GC, a McDonalds GC, candy and some money. Sterling got 2 American Eagle shirts (he's decided he wants to start dressing in name brands), a McDonalds GC and some money. They were thrilled with their gifts. Thank you to Amma and Baba and gramma and grampa for sending them some Easter treats.
No plans on the agenda for us today. The weather is great so maybe we'll make it outside for a while. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Supper - the bane of my existence
I know I have mentioned here how much I hate making supper, but our new system seems to be working so far. The night before I ask the person what they want for supper and once I get an answer - usually in the morning or via BBM mid-day, I do the shopping. I have now informed the boys that on the night that they pick dinner they have to prepare. It is both fun and frustrating. They are learning how to make hashbrowns from scratch, omelets, quesadillas, hamburgers and lots of other things. The bonus is that they are enjoying themselves too.
Friday, 6 April 2012
Better late than never?????

Thought I better get this in before the week was officially over. Some cool days this week - no shorts until after school, but it is still Spring and the boys have enjoyed street hockey, bike riding, going to our new Shoppers, a trip to Value Village, an extra day off school and other random fun. Now they have 4 days off and so far seem to be enjoying themselves.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
I spoke with my aunt today. We spoke about my gramma and what a wonderful woman she was. My gramma was a smart thinker and in her older years she labelled everything that she received as a gift with the name of the giver. Her thought was that one day she would return these items to them. When I cleaned out my gramma's room there were a lot of memories there for me. Things I remember her always having. My aunt spoke with me today about some of my gramma's treasures and asked me if I would like some of them. I am honored to have the opportunity to have something my gramma loved in my home. I don't know how I'll feel once they are actually in my hands but I was grateful to my aunt for thinking of me. One of the things that Kaedo asked for was gramma's SKIPBO set and when I spoke with my aunt today she thought it was a wonderful idea to give it to him. I'm going to tell him after school. He'll be thrilled.
Monday, 2 April 2012
A New Week
Monday already and we have a short week ahead of us. The kids and Craig are looking forward to that. Busy busy this week with doctor's appointments, new groups, old groups, appointments, History fair for my two boys (history of candy and the Canadarm - yes, that's how it is spelled), the Academic Olympics which I will be supervising at the high school, and some family time. The sun is shining today and the birds are chirping and I'm hoping for a beautiful week of sunshine and fun. I thought I'd leave you with a couple of pictures from Easter 2004. My have they grown!
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