I'm baacckk! What a week. 6 days in Anaheim in a beautiful hotel, in beautiful weather with a very nice group of people, workin' my stinkin' ass off. The only thing missing was my family, a trip to Disneyland and the snow. Ok - maybe not the snow.
The show went well. Got the opportunity to see a lot of new faces and catch up with some "regulars". It is always nice to see people I have met at previous shows. This lets me know that they are still doing well and that their stores are keeping their heads above water. My projects were well received and I talked to 150 people a day sitting doing the projects.
I walked the show as well and came up with lots of ideas of things we could try doing and plan to spend the next few weeks getting my ideas on to paper, organizing them and getting them into the right hands.
Last year mom and dad met me at the show and we were able to stay together at a roach motel just down the way from Disneyland and had a wonderful time. This year wasn't the same. No mom and dad, no roach motel, no afternoon at Disney. Boo. In saying that, I got to know my co-workers a little better and got to TAR-JAY. Kaedo requested baggy pants so I was forced to go and look around. For 1.5 hous. It was a sacrifice, but what you won't do for your kids.
Tuesday night 10 of us went to dinner with a company we are licensing called Rouge do Garance. Their products are spectacular and I can't wait to get my hands on them. Beautiful. I will be madly creating the moment the paper falls in my hands. Anyway - two of the four spoke quite good english but the other 2 , not so much. I was lucky enough to sit with one of the designers who spoke very little english. She practiced her english on me and I got to practice my french on her. It was awesome. I love to speak french. I loved it! I don't think I embarassed myself too much.
Tuesday afternoon I was walking the show floor and stopped at a booth to see what was going on. As I was standing there, the woman sitting at the demostrator's table was signing her books. She looked up, saw my badge and said, "I love Sandylion, want a copy of my book?". She proceeded to autograph it and present me with her very own Bobblehead Doll. I kid you not. Totally hilarious. I brought it home so I could put it in my office. It actually looks like her only her boobs are bigger in real life. She was so sweet. It was great.
Our flight home was delayed yesterday and we ended up waiting on the tarmac until after 5. Our departure time had been 3. We got in to Toronto at 12:15am and I didn't get into the concourse until 12:50am. By the time we got home, got everyone into bed, and I relaxed, it was after 3 when I got to bed. I'm bagged but glad to be here.
I have more to write, but will end this post now.
We shall now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
talk later,